There is a LE version but it is stripped down to run on less-powerful hardware. High-end dual core CPU, 4GB of RAM, 64-Bit OS and just over 30GB of hard drive space. This is just a quick video to show my favorite mod for Half Life 2 (FakeFactorys Cinematic Mod), which makes the game HD. This does come at a cost though, in system requirements.

Best of all: It's free! (though you must own The Orange Box for PC) FakeFactory modified all episodes of Half-Life 2 to run on the newest version of the Source engine for the best performance, stability and effects. CM10 pushes the Source engine to the limits with high-res textures, models, effects and scenery.

Combine that with CM10 and you truly have an unforgettable experience. Half-Life 2 was an epic story loved by tons of gamers.

Witness the fascinating battle tanks in the depths of the White Forest, and then made ?a fantastic trip with Alix in a new buggy, enjoying the best game series Half-Life. Half-Life 2: Episode Two: continuation of the famous saga, telling the further adventures of Dr. Along with Alex and her faithful robot dog, Gordon will continue to help the rebel forces in the fight against the powerful alliance. You will find yourself in the role of Gordon Freeman, who will face the consequences of their destructive actions in City 17 and the Citadel Alliance.

Half-Life 2 : Episode One: this is the first new episode created by Valve, extending the already incredibly rich game world of Half-Life. He manages to raise the rebels to open war against the oppressors and perform many other important things. Gordon goes on a journey during which he is faced with fighting machines of the Alliance, frightening aliens and modified people, fulfilling the will of the invaders. Cinematic Mod - Famously conversion for Half-Life 2 and Episode: pushed to the limit of the Source engine graphics (character models and extras, consisting of more than 40000 polygons, texture resolution 4096x4096), HDR for HL2 maps, lots of new graphic effects (for support which are written on the boxes with graphics), unified for all three version of the engine Source, a new Hollywood. Half-Life 2 : The game continues the story of adventures of Gordon Freeman, a research scientist, fighting with the inhabitants of other worlds, invaded the world of men.